Personalised Recommendation + Resume Builder ⚡️
2020 •
Product Design • UX Research + Design • Prototyping
Alison is one of the world’s largest free learning platforms for education and skills training. Upon aquiring Dash Beyond, our team was brought in to transform the platform from a course encyclopedia to an all rounded career tool.
Along with a product designer and manager, I designed the product to integrate a personalised learning and career experience. This entailed an onboarding flow to understand our learner better, along with building a resume tool to help support their career needs.
Building two folds of a career tool: an onboarding experience to capture Personalised Recommendations and a Resume Builder to help reflect our learners career journey and skillsets.
Product Design
A user journey designed to transition from a course encyclopedia to a career toolkit. Place at the centre was a learners personalised experience towards courses, that flowed into developing a resume, a profile that reflects their growth, and assessments that one could take to reflect their workplace personality.
Onboarding + Personalised Recommendations
The flow was created keeping in mind as less questions required for the onboarding process, optimum to capture learner’s interest levels and goals.